Helpdesk and IT solutions

Helpdesk and IT solutions

Nano Power Digital frees you from the challenges of day-to-day IT functions so you can focus on your business goals. Get the flexibility you need while increasing efficiency and user satisfaction.

IT staff extensions

We bring the best candidates for you to grow.

Project management

Place resources where they can be optimally utilized

Trained professionals with industry certifications

We make sure you get the right training to suit your needs.

Counseling Center

Our services help you maximize employee productivity while minimizing downtime.

Pay as you go

Pay only for the services you use. Schedules are adjusted to your needs.

Call Center

Our expert professional staff will answer your questions.


What is the best and most cost-effective way to deliver IT services to your end users? Whether you have an in-house IT department or no IT department at all, the answer is Nano Power Digital.

Why? Nano monitors critical systems 24/7 and provides proactive support without additional personnel.


Monitor your entire IT environment (network servers, desktops, mobile devices, tablets, peripherals) 24/7.

Ensure that data backups are completed and verified.

Proactive monitoring

Identify and analyze server "events" for potential problems. Correct the failed process or service. Monitor your servers to ensure security patches and anti-virus logs are up to date.